8 Questions with....Degan!

Ready for some advice from the professionals?  Look no further!  This edition of "8 Questions" features Degan.  He's worked in lots of markets, been on many formats, but no matter where he goes he is the funniest and most self-deprecating guy in the building.  His participation in "8 Questions" might be due to his genuinely good heart....or maybe he's making fun of us.  Hard to tell.  Here's Degan!

Brief Career synopsis: Born in Omaha, snuck into radio after college studying broadcast journalism at UNO. First cut my teeth at bowling alley Ranch Bowl radio alternative rock 93.3FM KRRK in 1995, then Alt/Rock 101.9FM The Edge, Sweet 98.5, KNRX Kansas City 107.3 The X, Z104.5 The Edge Tulsa, KISS104.5FM Lincoln, NE, 106.3 The Blaze Lincoln, Alternative NOW Format Omaha NRG, Channel 941FM Omaha since 2004

Current title: Co-host of Ch941FM’s Big Party Morning Show

1) What made you want to do this for a living? Free concert tickets & getting paid s$#%
money for being radio funny which means significantly more than Starbucks funny.

2) As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A knight in armor or an astronaut - possibly early cosplay but I worked it out by age 11

3) What is the biggest challenge facing your industry? Too many options to count. Radio can keep its current listeners as proof that free radio builds local relationships but hooking new fans is harder than ever.

4) 5 WORDS OR LESS - What is the most brutal part of your job? Waking up at 4:30am

5) 5 WORDS OR LESS - What is the best part of your job? off at 11a or 12p

6) What is the biggest misconception about your job? That we are talented and know what we are doing, it's monkeys on typewriters smoking cigars, minus the typewriters or attempt at planning.

7) Fill in the blank ...“The problem with newbies is they don’t know how to________ Take the leap and go for a position, create one, or ask for a job. I don’t see anyone in line to take my job and that alone makes me nervous.

8) What industry related skill/software do you wish you knew more about? Creating media in the moment on your phone. Now radio is hitting record and using your experiences as content, the world is starving for authentic, relevant content and we all have a voice.


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