8 Questions with...Evy!

Ready for some advice from the professionals?  Look no further!  This edition of "8 Questions" features Evy Tijerina - Sales Support at I Heart Media Omaha.  She's an IWCC grad and one of our favorite alumni.  Her work ethic, spirit, and passion were...and continue to be...the envy of her peers.  Here's 8 questions with Evy!

Brief Career synopsis:
 I stumbled into radio a few months into my freshman year at a college I absolutely hated.  I was put in classes that had nothing to do with what I was interested in and was planning the easiest way I could get kicked out of that place. 
Before I committed to doing that, I reached out to my high school cheerleading coach whose sister went to this school and she told me I should check out the radio station. I found out when they had their station meetings, joined one and instantly knew this was the industry I wanted to be a part of.  I jumped right in, became the Music Director, and was on air.  
After that year, I decided to transfer to IWCC and enrolled in the Media Studies program, which was the best decision I ever made.  During my time at IWCC, I was the students Promotions Director for a year and ended my River years as an Afternoons Producer.  Learning from the River crew was such a wonderful, and challenging experience that shaped me to be the radio woman I am today.

Today, I currently work at iHeartMedia in the sales department, and because I bothered management for MONTHS to let me help with promotions, I also get to work station events!

1) What made you want to do this for a living? 
I like how radio has so many moving parts, and the stress of executing a difficult project gives me life!

2) As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A lot of things.  A wedding dress designer, ER nurse, anesthesiologist, band manager, kindergarten teacher, and a lot more!

3) What is the biggest challenge facing your industry?  
Getting the “Veterans” to take their younger coworkers new ideas seriously.  Change is good sometimes!

4)  5 WORDS OR LESS - What is the most brutal part of your job? 
Expected to read everyone’s mind.

5) 5 WORDS OR LESS - What is the best part of your job? 
Coworkers, concert tickets, PTO

6) What is the biggest misconception about your job? 
That sales people don’t care and are only out to make money.  I’ve seen multiple AE’s turn down opportunities that would have made them a lot of money because they knew a certain campaign wouldn’t help their client.

7) Fill in the blank ...“The problem with newbies is they don’t know how…
...to make themselves available.

8) What industry related skill/software do you wish you knew more about? 
Everything digital… Doubleclick for Publishers, GroundTruth, and SLATE!


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