8 Questions with...Sausha

Today we talk sports with one of our amazing alum.  Sausha is one of our favorites...she is hard working, fun, and incredibly talented.  She is one of the coolest people we know and we wish we could clone her...BUT WE DON'T HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY.  So this blog post will have to do. 8 Questions with Sausha...GO!

Name: Sausha 

Brief Career synopsis:I started as a board operator at NRG media for 1620 the Zone and Zone 2. I was also the in-game produce for the Omaha Storm Chasers at Werner Park before hearing that 1620 was going to bring Nick Bahe back for his own midday show. I jumped up and down waving my arms a bunch and kind of begged them to give me a chance to be his producer. They gave me a shot and it was super awesome, and fun. 

After that, the World-Herald pursued me as they were in need someone who could do a lot of video and produce radio at the same time and here I am. 

Current title:Radio producer and technical director for The Bottom Line with Mike'l Severe

1) What made you want to do this for a living?  
Funny stories are always how this goes, right? I was standing at the back of a concert in between sets watching a football game,  mumbling under my breath. Nothing out of the ordinary at all for me. Sophia walked up to me and said, "Every time I see you at a show, you're doing this exact thing. You know Iowa Western has a program for this, don't you?"
I was like, "Whaaaaaat??? No,  I did not, tell me more!"
She filled me in on the details, twisting my entire arm, and I was enrolled the next semester.

2) As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
What didn't I want to be is a better question. I wanted to be a basketball player, a doctor, a vetrinarian and a  sports anchor.

3) What is the biggest challenge facing your industry?
Keeping up with demand. That sounds crazy in the media environment we live in.  The demand for video and tantalizing content is at an all time high. Working for a newspaper, they've really ramped up their need for video. Some days I'm cutting 15+ videos to go with varius stories in the paper.

4)  5 WORDS OR LESS - What is the most brutal part of your job?
Social media.

5) 5 WORDS OR LESS - What is the best part of your job?
Interacting with listeners

6) What is the biggest misconception about your job?
That you have to know a bunch of stats or obscure stories about sports. WRONG. Above anything else, you have to be entertaining and leave people wanting to come back because of how you made them feel.

7) Fill in the blank ...“The problem with newbies is they don’t know how....
To manage time. Or, lack an understanding of how many nights and weekends you have to work.

8) What industry related skill/software do you wish you knew more about?
Blanket statements are cool, right? Social media and using it to your advantage


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