February Students of the Month!


1st year: Matt Case
Matt is awesome.  He is a hard worker, funny, and coachable. He is also master of impressions and rocks at improv. This semester he is working at 89.7 The River in production and has already become an important part of the team.  His natural talent and willingness to participate will take him far. 
Nice work Matt!

2nd year: Jake Williams
Jake is a producer on the Morning Fiasco, a part-timer at E.W. Scripps, and hosts roughly 2,452 podcasts.  He works hard and has a ton of talent. 
Great job Jake!

1st year: Chris Nation
Chris has won this so many times it is starting to go to his head.  He is funny and a pleasure to be around.  He is also working part time with the Reiver Sports Network this semester.  See you in class Chris!

2nd year: Matt Stein
Matt wins again…and again…and again!  Matt is a smart and motivated student.  He is doing extra work – taking additional stories off the board.  He has also been a huge help to JJ this year. 
Keep up the great work Matt!

1st year: Kaylie Clineff
Kaylie is the definition of coachable.  She is making the most of her time here at IWCC and taking on new challenges… including working part-time at IW-TV.  Kaylie has big dreams and someday we will all say we knew her when.
Great work Kaylie!

2nd year: Amy Barrett
Amy is a seasoned professional and a determined student.  She sets an amazing example to other students about how essential it is to finish what you start.  She is smart, funny, and she takes ownership of her academic progress.  We will miss you when you graduate this May!
Yay Amy!


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