8 questions with...James Lathrop

James is a graduate from the TV program at IWCC.  He has since worked in television, photography, and graphics. 

Brief Career synopsis:

Currently a photographer for IWEN EXPOSURES, a creative media company based in Omaha. That’s nowhere near where I started. I got my first job out of college at KETV, as a graphic artist I soon moved up to production director. I left my job to report and anchor for CBTV 17 in Council Bluffs. After my contract I found myself as a production assistant at KMTV, I learned a lot, met some celebrities, it was a groovy time. KETV offered my director's job back and I went back for another year and a half. From there I needed a change and I started a new job at Amoura Productions in Omaha. I was a real estate video editor, there honed my craft and picked up photo editing. I left my job at Amoura, and in the Spring of 2016 I took a job I found on craigslist knocking on doors for a home remodeling company, it was a strange jump. I learned a lot at that job as well. EVERY MOMENT IS EXPERIENCE. I loved that job, I got bit in the face and then I stopped loving the job. In February of 2017 I was hired by a company I had contracting wedding video and photography. It’s been a crazy 7 year run since college, I’m 27 now and I’m finally doing something that mixes a little bit of all of my job history and experiences. I’m my only bosses employee, I feel blessed.

1) What made you want to do this for a living?
I’ve loved television since I could remember. I gravitated towards my parents hitachi vhs camera, I was doing tape to tape editing with the families vcrs in the living room. That grew throughout high school and even got me in a lot of trouble one time, but the video in question exploded in views once I was in trouble. This was by the way a small town Iowa high school, my graduating class had 68 students. From that point I knew I wanted to create stuff for people to watch.

2) As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to do something with computers all of the time. I think I landed in the right place.

3) What is the biggest challenge facing your industry?
Amateurs undercutting business. Video production sweatshops.

4) 5 WORDS OR LESS - What is the most brutal part of your job?
I edit almost every day.

5) 5 WORDS OR LESS - What is the best part of your job?
Literally no stress.

6) What is the biggest misconception about your job?
Hiring a professional photographer is a luxury and not worth the extra quality.

7) Fill in the blank ...“The problem with newbies is they don’t know how to…
​Continue to learn​.” ​You will always be learning, everything is changing fast.

8) What industry related skill/software do you wish you knew more about?

I wish I knew more about arranging subjects for a group photo.


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