December Students of the Month!

Radio 1st year

Alicia Gray
Alicia is quiet—a rarity in Media Studies land—but don’t sleep on her, she’s the real deal.  Alicia is incredibly smart, proficient, and talented.  While the rest of us are competing for volume she is bringing the style.  Her TV presentation skills, audio editing abilities and collegiate piccolo  playing are what make her awesome.  Nice work Alicia!!!!

Radio 2nd year
Sara Craven
Sara is working hard this semester.  From her courses, to work, to her role as Planet O host—she continues to balance the load like a champ.  Despite her busy schedule, she stays happy and positive.  She is always ready to work and she is a leader in class.  Great job Sara!
Sports 2nd year
Matt Stein
Matt wins again!  Matt is a smart and motivated student.  He has been such a positive presence this semester at our Media Studies events.  He is participatory, engaged in class, and really gives every assignment his all.  Keep up the great work Matt!

Sports Graduate!
Collin Borron!  Collin graduates on Saturday, December 16th with his Associate of Applied Science degree in Sports Media Technology.  He is already employed, working at the Ralston Arena and will be poised to move into a full-time position or continue his education.  We are so proud of you Collin!  CONGRATULATIONS!
TV/A.A. 1st year
Denzel Downing
Denzel has such a calm and cool demeanor, but he is working really hard.  Denzel takes school seriously and is a student athlete—running track for the Reivers.  His in-class performance, attitude, and natural abilities are all excellent.  The sky is the limit.  Great work Denzel!

TV/A.A. 2nd year
Jaelyn Hinkle
Jaelyn has been the de facto social director this semester and her bubbly personality has really brought the Media Studies students together.  I appreciate her work ethic, her sense of humor and her willingness to pitch in...even when it’s not her job. We heart you Jaelyn!


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