You know what's cool? Trying.

I am a Gen Xer, a generation that values sarcasm and a healthy dose of pessimism.  So believe me when I say, I find solace in being a critic and not a creator.  It can be fun to sit on the sidelines and pick someone else's work apart. But today I want to make the case for trying.  

Pic from a Gen X fav- High Fidelity

Trying hard.  Trying even though you might crash and burn.

People who try MAKE things.  They put new and interesting stuff into the world.  Let's be honest though - trying takes work and patience.  It also often means public failure which can be a pretty strong deterrent.  As I get older, I find the reasons not to try are frankly, dumb.  So let's walk through them.

  1. If I try, I might fail.  Ok...and? 
  2. People will make fun of me.  They might, but honestly the world isn't paying as much attention to you as you might think.
  3. It's hard.  Sure, but so is everything.
  4. I don't even know if I want to do ______.  There's only one way to find out.

So try something.  I see too many students content to do what is required of them, but leaving truly awesome opportunities on the table.  If I learned one thing from's say YES.  Yes is powerful and you won't ever regret having too many skills, too much experience, or too many open doors.  I can't say the same for apathy.


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