October Students of the Month!

 1st year RADIO:

Lukas Bornhoft – Lukas is doing great in his classes and ROCKED it at his Monday Night Football remote.  He is talented, has a good attitude and is committed to doing excellent work …what more could you ask for?  NICE WORK Lukas!

2nd year RADIO:

Chance Oliver – Chance may be new to his role in promotions at the River but he is learning quickly.  He has done a great job at the station and in class this semester.  Chance is funny and talented and he will be working in radio in no time.  WAY TO GO CHANCE! 


1st year SPORTS:

Chris Nation – AGAIN.  We aren’t ashamed to sing his praises for the second month in a row.  Chris is brand new to the Sports Media program and is already making an impact.  He is shooting, editing, and working hard.  He is also taking control of his education by asking questions and advocating for his learning.  GREAT JOB CHRIS!

2nd year SPORTS:

Brent Pentecost – Brent is working his tail off with the RSN this fall.  Between his classes, his work study, and his regular job he is super busy…but Brent still maintains a high level of work.  He holds himself to a high standard and will see that strategy pay off.  Nice job Brent.  Keep working hard. 


1st year TV/A.A.:

Laryssa Lambertsen – Laryssa is funny, talented and her energy is contagious.  She is going to be EXCELLENT on-air talent and really has found her niche in coaching talent and helping other students overcome their stage fright in from of the camera.  Nice work Laryssa.  RETWEET. 

2nd year TV/A.A.:

Zach Muessel – Zach has been such an important part of the team this fall. He is shooting, editing, and doing great work in class.  Zach is also heavily involved with the Media Studies social media pages and has been the meme master this semester. I don’t know how I could do it without him.  Thanks for all you do Zach!



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