September students of the month!

Every month we recognize excellence in our programs!

Here are the  first year and second year students who are making a different in each of the Media studies programs at IWCC!



1st year :
Alex Cage – Despite being only 5 weeks into his academic career at Iowa Western, Alex has already made a big impression.  He is attentive, asks questions, and responds to feedback. His creativity and sense of humor will serve him well!  Nice work Alex, we are so happy to have you here!

2nd year:
Reily Hiles – What can we say about Reily…she is reliable, smart, funny and easy to get along with.  She is always willing to help and is an important part of 89-7 The River and our programs.  Reily is so cool she probably won’t even read this…but if you see her, tell her we think she is rad.


1st year:
Chris Nation – Chris is brand new to the Sports Media program but he’s on our radar.  His quality work paired with his sarcastic sense of humor makes him a force to be reckoned with.  He is funny, talented and focused- my gut says he’s going to be amazing.  Nice work Chris!

2nd year:
Matt Stein – Matt has been working hard this semester to improve with every shoot.  He is a great student and he holds himself to a high standard. He has also been helping new students and is stepping up in a big way.  Way to go Matt!


1st year:
Kaylie Clineff -Kaylie is a pleasure to have in class. She pays attention, asks questions and puts forth the effort to be successful.   Her bubbly personality is fantastic and she has a bright future on and off camera.  Congrats Kaylie!

2nd year:
DeeJay Maeder – DeeJay is doing such a great job this semester.  He is doing the work and attending class, but more than that he is a leader.  His sense of humor sets the tone for other students and he has taken the time to get to know new students and make sure they feel at home here.  He doesn’t always get the props he deserves, but he’s awesome…which makes him the Gremlins 2 of students :) Great job DeeJay!


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